Introduction When your tall, lots of great things happen. You instantly become more attractive to females, you’re able to help out the old lady grab items from the top shelve at a grocery store, and best of all, you…
Affiliate Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. When it comes to Taekwondo training tools, nothing beats Taekwondo kick pads. Kicking pads are lightweight, portable, and very durable. Most well-constructed kicking pads are able to endure…
Introduction For decades now, the standard for measuring someone’s competency in Karate has been the colour of their belt, more specifically whether or not they were a black belt in Karate. This has lead to an obsession with obtaining…
Affiliate Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Boxing today is not just a combat sport where people bash each other into oblivion on TV. It’s a great form of self-defence as well as exercise. Due…
Affiliate Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Introduction There has been a lot of debate regarding hanging vs free standing punching bags and which one is better. Some purists claim that traditional heavy bags are…
Affiliate Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. When it comes to trying to find that perfect pair of Taekwondo shoes, it can become quite the challenge due to a lack of readily available information out…
Introduction We all know the importance of supplementing our training with heavy bags. They help us improve our technique when striking, they condition our body and muscles, and heavy bags also allow us to improve the power in our…
Introduction Am I too old to start learning martial arts? This is a common question a lot of adults have that wish to start studying martial arts but feel uncomfortable with going through with the decision due to insecurities…
Introduction If you’ve landed on here, then you’ve no doubt heard about all of the great benefits that learning martial arts can bring into your life, such as increased self confidence, fat loss, self defense, and even improving your…